Structural Spray Foam Benefits
Buildings are made up of many numerous construction components that are fastened together using nails, staples, etc. Now imagine adding a bonding agent in addition to the conventional fasteners used.
What would that do to the rigidity and structural integrity of the dwelling? All components on which the closed-cell foam is applied to would be bonded together.
Remember the model kits you once had as a child, and how all the parts fit together just right? Well compare the use of closed-cell Foam to the glue together kits, and conventional insulation to the snap-together kits.
Extensive Studies of Closed-Cell Benefits
- Adds structural enforcement by reducing fluctuating temperatures and moistures that can change the structural components.
- The added structural enforcements are also added by bonding to studs and sheathing, adding strength and rigidity.
- Increases wall strength up to 50%.
- Minimizes home vibrations, helping to reduce noise.